
“Do you offer direct therapy?”

Yes! However, by taking an environmental approach we aim to directly empower the adults to implement communication strategies in all their interactions with the child which results in much faster progress and longer lasting outcomes and results.

We do not offer ongoing direct therapy sessions with the child, without an adult present. Direct speech and language therapy is often defined as a therapist working directly with a child on a 1:1 basis to target specific communication outcomes. In our experience, this form of therapy has a negative impact on a child’s self-esteem, is likely to result in slow progress over time, does not generalise communication skills outside of the therapy sessions, and offers poor value for money.

There is nothing that we can do with your child that we can’t show you how to do. You are your child’s expert. You can do this!

Start therapy

£200 + travel costs

Our 60 minute ‘start therapy’ plan will look at and review your child’s previous speech and language therapy assessment documentation and make a forward therapy plan.

Our start therapy plan is ideal for:
- any child who has received a speech and language therapy assessment from either NHS services or an independent practitioner within the past 12 months and does not require a new initial assessment.  

Direct Therapy

£100 per hour + travel costs

Our direct therapy approach coaches adults to support their child’s communication development, with the child present so we can demonstrate the techniques and provide feedback to you.

Our direct therapy approach is not us meeting directly with the child with no adults present, as we know this is costly, time-consuming and not as effective as us upskilling the adults around the child.

Our direct therapy sessions would be suitable for:
- Adults supporting school aged children
- Parents who would like communication support within the home environment
- Fulfilling a section F ‘communication and interaction’ provision