Consultation & Training
Follow up and consultation sessions
£100 per hour + travel costs
Our follow up appointments are suitable for:
Any previous client who has been seen by Talking Lab Speech and Language Therapy, regardless of being recommended a follow up appointment after the session.
Adults who would like additional support talking through communication strategies
Visual communication support
£100 per hour
We can create visual communication aids to support your child’s communication development.
Types of visuals we can create are:
Visual timetables.
Meal planners
Social stories
Emotions boards
Neurodivergent profiles
You can find some examples at the bottom of this page:
Courses for parents, teachers and professionals
£100 per hour + travel costs
We offer training for professionals on a range of communication topics such as:
Autism awareness
Speech and language development
Selective/ situational mutism
Courses can be provided in-house and online
Breaking Down The Barriers
£150 + travel costs
Our Breaking Down the Barriers' programme which was created by individuals who had experienced Selective Mutism (SM) when they were younger. The programme involves the child/young person engaging in sessions with an individual who they do not currently speak to (usually a teacher or teaching assistant at nursery/school/college). The sessions are 10 minutes long and ideally happen on every day that they attend their educational setting, or as many times per week as possible.
The programme involves the following stages:
Carrying out a series of fun tasks / games / activities with no pressure to speak
Engaging in activities involving making noises which does not involve speaking e.g. using musical instruments
Completing tasks involving making noises that involve the vocal chords, but without speaking e.g. coughing, humming
Responding to instructions using individual speech sounds e.g. letter sounds
Using Single words spoken during an activity
Using 2 word phrases within the session
Using Short sentences
Changing factors: situation, environment and people in the environment are adapted/ changed to build on the generalisability of the communication skills learnt in stages 1-7.
The programme requires an initial meeting, ideally with the speech and language therapist, the parent/guardian and the person who will be carrying out the programme. The session will take around an hour and talk everyone through the programme, explaining all the different stages along with any troubleshooting questions. The programme is emailed over to the key adult, and the sessions between the key adult and the child/young person can begin whenever is appropriate.
Our roles as the therapist will then be just to provide email or phone call support to the key adult who carries out the daily sessions.
Examples of visual communication supports